Saturday, March 5, 2011

We are Enough

I don't know about you, but I have a nagging little conversation that happens in my head, the gist of which is "I am not enough". Nothing I do is every enough. I need to compete with others. I can't just be myself because that is not enough. I need to be something other than I am. All sorts of variations on a theme... Even this blog is not enough...

What I'm slowly getting clear on is... I am enough... me... just the way I am. The greatest gift I can give to the world is to be myself and fully express myself. I don't need to imitate anyone. I don't need to pretend that I am something other than I am. I just need to be me... to allow me to come to the forefront...

Kind of simple isn't it... Kind of obvious isn't it... And yet, I have gone through a large portion of my life trying to be something other than who I am. Not all the time for sure... but a large amount of the time. Trying to please others. Trying to be like others. Trying to fit in. Trying to blend in. Trying to hide...

Do you do the same thing... or something different... all variations on a similar theme? What would it be like if you were just you?? If you could be you and not try to be someone other than you? What a gift that would be to the world....

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