Thursday, March 10, 2011

Predicting the Future

So, back in November, I got a cold... and I was pre-posting to this blog for December 21... So, it's mid-November in my world, but mid December in blog world... So, I'm writing about how I'm getting a sore throat and feel like a cold is coming on and, that's all fine... Except when December 21 did roll around in real time, guess what happened??? Yup, I got a sore throat and felt a cold coming on...

Talk about hairs standing on end! So... I'm not going to be blogging about colds anymore!! I don't need to put those into my future! I will be blogging about how great I feel!! How much fun it has been to exercise at the gym and see the pounds melting off... and my pants are fitting so much better... and I have more energy!

Which is a much better place to be in than lamenting about how things are not going well... I am amazed sometimes how often people just complain about things... and express their frustration with people and things... When really, all they are doing, is creating more of the same in their future... But they don't see that... which is kind of sad...

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