Saturday, March 12, 2011

Retro Techno

So, I was reading an article on the web that outlined a bunch of technologies that are going to be obsolete soon... pocket digital cameras, ebook readers, gps devices, etc. All to be replaced by the smart phone and/or the tablet pc... Amazing.. I don't have most of those yet, nor a smartphone, so I don't feel so bad, but it makes me think that you have to move fast in this world to keep up with technology!

I've been playing a little bit with Microsoft OneNote... apparently a very slick little digital notebook type of program. You can copy and paste things into it, documents, pdf files, recipes, pictures, diagrams... you name it. You can organize it with tabs and colours and it's apparently great for keep track of to-do items. But... it's digital... and you basically have to have your computer with you to work with it... I've been wondering if I should switch over to it, instead of my coil-bound paper notebook... But the papernotebook I can keep with me everywhere... Mind you, I do have to copy things from one day to the next... but... it's tactile and handy...

Apparently another obsolete technology is calendars... and daytimers... nowadays people use the calendar feature on MS Outlook or on Google Calendar... your calendar is always there, you can share it with others to coordinate events... But again... something within me likes a hands-on thing... Am I already becoming a dinosaur??? Or maybe the smartphone can go with you everywhere and do everything... that's an option too I guess... Which would make a lot more sense... Maybe I just need to wait for technology to catch up??

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