Saturday, May 28, 2011

Rain Rain

Somewhere along the way this past week, we got transplanted to Vancouver. It's been raining pretty steady since last weekend, with 5 cm some days. Let's just say, enough now! It's good for the forests, but maybe mother nature could spread it out a little bit! Send some a bit north for the high risk fire zones! Anyhow, I haven't been out on my bike for almost 2 weeks and I'm missing it. Today was not too bad, so I'm thinking tomorrow might be a good biking day.

Spring has definitely come, although there is always a risk of frost, so tonight we're going to have to cover up some tender plants. We put a lot of effort into them and it would be a shame if they all bit the bucket because of a touch of frost!

Rain, frost, snow, sun, clouds, fog... we get it all... which makes for interesting weather forecasts! You never know what might be coming. Which is a good metaphor for life as well. Never know what is coming, and sometimes you just have to roll with the punches and be prepared for a bit of frost!

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