Friday, May 6, 2011


Hmmm... this idea that I came across on the web struck me as interesting. The idea of living with 100 items or less. Can you imagine trying to pare down your possessions to 100 items or less? And yet apparently people are doing this. They are selling their house and their car and most of their possessions and living with less. They are renting apartments, using laundromats, buying Kindle e-book readers, ditching their TV and cablevision. In today's digital world, there are all sorts of ways to downsize. If you have a laptop, you don't need photoalbums or cds or a music player or bookshelves or books. You can have it all digitally. That in and of itself reduces an enormous amount of clutter, much of it sentimental.

I came across the article on where she talks about the 100 items or less lifestyle.(

Then there is a guy named Andrew Hyde who travels a lot as an IT professional and who has gone to 15 items or less ( I've travelled to Europe for 4 weeks with a bit more than that. It's true, you can get by with quite little for quite a long time, but I'm not sure I would want to do that for years and years. Mind you... it would free up a lot of financial resources to travel and do the things that I love. Think of the time saved in not having to do home repairs, or dishes or mowing the lawn.... There are possiblities in this...

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