Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Future is Now

So there was a thing on the news a few days ago, about how they are making cell phones that are as thin as a piece of paper. These are just prototypes of course. But you can scroll through and get your contact list and make calls. It's only a short step from there until we have computers that are as thin as a piece of paper. I don't know about you, but I like the idea of writing on a piece of paper. I don't always have my laptop with me, haven't gotten a blackberry yet. There is something hands-on about the act of writing... Can you see the possibilties with a computer as thin as a piece of paper. You could have it in a book cover. Maybe multiple sheets of "paper" for the one computer - with hand recognition software. I wouldn't have to copy our my to-do list everyday... it would save it from one day to the next and I could make modifications. Just flip back and forth from one day to the next. I could delete things on one day but not on the previous days... I don't know... I just see possibilities coming up in the future.

It's interesting to look back to when I was in high school and the first Apple computers that we worked with and the Commodore 64. Even 25 years ago when computers were just starting to become popular. How far we have come today. Cell phones nowadays have more memory than my first computer. They can do way more things too. And that is only in 25 years. Imagine where we will be in the next 25 years! Can't even imagine it... but it is coming...

There is a real evolution in computers and technology. Which remindds me of evolution in nature. The time-line is a little bit different but... Could the dinosaurs have imagined what those little mice mammals in the bushes would become? Can we imagine what will come in another 60 million years? The future is now... and we are creating the future in our own way. We are the creators of technology and directing its evolution. The corollary would be that... God is our creator and directing our evolution...

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