Saturday, May 7, 2011

News News News

I have a bit of a confession to make... I'm kind of addicted to news. At least online news. I'm always checking the news websites - cbc, ctv, cnn, bbc. I'm looking for new things all the time. If I have a lull in whatever I'm doing, I'll check the news. If I get bored, I'll check the news. First, of course, I'll check my email to see if there's anything new there. But if there isn't, then I'll check the news. Over and over again. Maybe I missed something the first time. Maybe there's something new up! it's actually kind of annoying!

In the mornings, I can spend 1/2 hour reading the news. I know that some people read the newspaper, and I can say that is what I am doing as well. But during the day, I'm also checking the news... and my email... and my favourite blogs... I think it might be time to do what others have suggested... just limiting online email/blog/news checks to specific times. You know, check your email twice a day or four times a day. Not every 10 minutes. That's the thing with email, it's always coming in... the door is always open. It's sort of like getting mail, real mail. I know when the letter carrier is coming, usually mid-morning, and I go out and check the mailbox and it's done. But what if the letter carrier came all the time, sometimes with mail, sometimes without mail. I'd be out there every 10 minutes or 1/2 hour checking the mailbox. That seems kind of silly, and yet it's what we do with our email inboxes. We're checking it all the time. Because if someone sends us an email, they often expect that we will get it immediately, and they want a response pretty much immediately too!

Maybe it's time to go on a news/blog/email diet... just check it once in the morning, once at lunch, once in the eveing. And in those moments where I'm feeling bored to try something else... maybe write something... write a blog, write a letter. Do something rather than just sucking in more information... Maybe I'm an info-addict! Maybe we all are info-addicts. Whether it's Twitter or Facebook or whatever... we all seem to be addicted to something in that regard... Maybe it's time to ease up and ease out...

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