Thursday, February 17, 2011

Procrastination Begone 3

Yes, I know... more procrastination stuff... Maybe I'm the only one that does these things??? Leaves something on a to-do list for months... sometimes years?? So, over a year ago, I had set-up a personal website for my photography and writing. I was in a rush to get it done, as I was going to a craft fair to sell books and photocards, and needed a website for my business card. So, it got set up really quickly!! Which is a good thing... except... I haven't updated it since then...

I know, I know... websites need to be "fresh" and "new"... But, honestly, when I'm working during the day, more important (I think) things take priority. And in the evenings... more important things take priority. The one time when I think I could play with it a bit is when I'm at Starbucks in the morning... But my laptop doesn't have the editing program on it...

Yes, I know... a piddly little excuse... So, yesterday, that's exactly what I did... loaded the editing program on my laptop... Now, I have no excuse for it... or at least, not that excuse! I find it amazing how something that takes 5 or 10 minutes can keep me stuck for months or years... Obviously I have a big story in my head about what's stopping me... about why I can't get it done... about why it's too hard... about why I don't have what it takes... Obviously too, at a very deep level, it's not getting done, because I am making different choices... I am choosing not to do it... choosing to do other things...

I suppose the power of choice eludes us many times. We think outside forces or circumstances or people dictate what we are doing or can do... When really, it's all about us... We can choose how we will react to things... choose how we will interact with things...

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