Wednesday, September 1, 2010

This Year I Will... Getting into Action I

Alright!! We are now moving into the action section... Enough talk about getting stuff done. It's time for the pedal to hit the metal... Or as J.R.R. Tolkien says "It's the job that's never started that takes the longest to finish"... Or as Nike says... "Just do it!"...

M.J. Ryan (remember, we are reading a book here), says the first thing to do is to focus... "focus people"!! I like it. Because I can get caught up in a to-do list that has 103 projects on it, and I get so overwhelmed by all of it that I end up doing nothing. She suggests focusing on one thing or one area, for a specific period of time. So, this could be The Week of Decluttering... And next month could be The Week of Patience... Or it could be The Year of Writing... Or whatever it is for you... But get clear on that first, instead of trying to do ix-number of things all at once...

Along those same lines, she recommends dividing things up and taking one small step... and then another small step. Rather than trying to write a book in a year, write a few lines each day... Rather than trying to lose 50 lbs all at once, start small and lose 1 lb... Or whatever it is... Introduce changes in small steps... Your brain will like it, because it won't see the small change as a threat, won't throw you into fear and won't send you screaming in the other direction...

Or if that doesn't work for you... for some people it might be better to tackle a huge challenge all at once. Especially if it's a life/death situation, or something equally serious. Where you need to make an about face right now! Maybe the small changes seem too small to you... Then try a big change...

But in all of that, it is for you to look and see what will work for you... We've all had successes in the past, so take a look and see... what worked for you there? What is your formula for success? Even if it was in a different area of your life from what you're looking at now... take a look and see what you can transfer from there to here...

A key piece of all of this is intention... to set your intention on what it is you are looking to do. Intention is not wanting, wishing or hoping... it is the intention to move forward and do it! She recommends using a ritual to engage your right brain as well... To state the intention and then practice the ritual... Whatever that might be for you... Without intention, we just drift around and nothing gets done... We go through life with shoulda/coulda/woulda instead of I can/I do/I am...

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