Saturday, September 18, 2010

To-Do List

Anybody else out there have the dreaded "to-do" list?? I don't know how other people work their lists but my method has usually been this... I find a piece of paper (usually half of an 8.5x11 sheet), and list all the things that are clamouring for my attention... Usually categorized somehow... And then, the list will sit on my desk... But then sometimes I'll make a daily to-do list... so now there are two lists sitting on my desk... And sometimes, the old list gets lost, so I make a new list... which is missing some things that I can't remember... So, now there are three to-do lists running around my desk and playing hide and seek with each other... Crazy!!

The other day I was reading a book (don't ask me which one)... and the person suggested using a notebook for to-do lists... And writing out the to-do list fresh each day... I usually redo my to-do list every couple of days anyhow... so... I thought, hmmm... this sounds like it might work... I got a coil bound notebook and figure I'll write the to-do list on the right hand page, and on the left hand page I can make notes on things... if I need to... or it can be an overflow spot... As things get scratched off the list, I can look back and see how much progress I've made. Plus... if something is still on my to-do list several months later, I know it is time to really get cracking on it!

I'm not entirely sure that this will work, but it is a different way of doing to-do lists that I haven't tried yet... so we'll give it a whirl. I could even get a highlighter (or two) and colour code things!!! By priority or something... yellow, blue, orange, pink, green... colours do make the world go around!

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