Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Under the Weather

Well, it is the season for colds apparently!! I have the first indicator... a sore throat... And I know what that is going to metamorphose into for me... A full-blown cold. I guess I wasn't taking enough grapefruit seed extract last week when I felt the first tiny indicators that a cold was coming. Yes, grapefruit seed extract... it tastes absolutely atrocious but it makes a huge difference! Whenever I get on a plane or feel a tiny little cold feeling coming on, I take this stuff and the cold either doesn't materialize... or it isn't as horrible as it could be.

So, the moral of the story for me is this... I need to pay more attention to what is going on in the moment! Pay more attention to what is present in my space. Me ignoring itty-bitty cold systems is going to come back and bite me in the butt... Sigh... yet again!

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