Friday, December 24, 2010


Having been tucked into bed with a nasty chest cold the last 4 days has really made me appreciate good health!!! There's nothing like being sick to make one appreciate being not sick... being healthy and full of energy and life. I've been dragging myself around the house the last few days, coughing and stuffed up, with the energy of wet dish rag, and it's no fun! One day, I even sat at my desk, but couldn't even get enough energy up to focus or concentrate on what was there. Amazing how a bit of sinus congestion and chest congestion can screw up our synapses... Today, I woke up feeling significantly better. I've still got a bit of a rattle in the chest and my sinuses are still draining (lovely!) but I have more pep and energy and am actually feeling more like my normal self. I'm actually out at Starbucks this morning!!

And maybe that this true for life in general. We don't really appreciate something until it isn't there anymore. We don't appreciate good weather until we have bad weather. We don't appreciate our parents until they aren't there anymore... We don't appreciate freedom until we lose it. It's a good reminder to us to appreciate the people/things/gifts that we do have. Because we never know when they might disappear for a while... or for good...

1 comment:

Dolores said...

Thanks. I needed to hear this today.