Tuesday, December 28, 2010

People Who Have it Together

I found this article on oprah.com kind of interesting. It resonated with me because I can see some of these habits in myself. Although I often see myself as a perfectionist, I am also comfortable with a certain amount of flex in things. I know people who are even more serious sticklers for perfection that I am so... there is hope...
10 Habits of Highly Organized People

1. Walk away from Bargains - I sometimes have trouble with this one... hence we end up with 64 rolls of toilet paper in the house... It was too good of a deal to pass up! Mind you... this can also lead to cluttered/disorganized closets...

2. Make Peace with Imperfection - this makes perfect sense to me!! There needs to be a certain amount of flex in anything... the room for things to just be as they are... and to be able to say "good enough"

3. Never Label Anything "Miscellaneous" - ooh yes, this is a dangerous one... it becomes a grab bag for anything and everything... whether it is paper files or electronic files... Misc is a bad label

4. Schedule Regular Decluttering Sessions - these seem to come naturally to me. Every once in a while, I'll get the decluttering urge and will tackle some closet or cupboard or drawer... just to create some space, both physical and psychological...

5. Stick with What Works - if something works... then why keep looking for something that might be better or more perfect... That just leads to a bunch of confusion....

6. Create a Dump Zone - a place near the door where you can place anything and everything comes into the house or that needs to go out of the house... And if you hang your keys by the door, you'll never need to look for them again...

7. Ask for Help - Always a good thing... Ask for help with making dinner or with picking up groceries. Why waste your time running out on an errand, when the person coming home from work can easily stop and pick up missing ingredients...

8. Separate Emotions from Possessions - Ooh... this is a good one... We aren't attached to things, we are attached to our emotions about things... But if you're hanging onto something out of a sense of guilt or anxiety or any other uncomfortable emotion... maybe it's time to let it go and free you up...

9. Foresee and Avoid Problems - look ahead a little bit... See what needs doing before it needs doing... Get a bit of far sight and you'll see what needs to be done... and you'll either do it, or assemble the things you'll need to get the task done.

10. Know Where to Donate - whether it's a charity or a friend or a neighbour's child... Take a look and see how many donation opportunities are around you.

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