Saturday, December 12, 2009


Well, my blog posting of yesterday was very appropriate. Our flight out of PG was delayed about 45 - 60 minutes... There was a delay in it arriving, and then there was the de-icing which delayed us further. I had a 90 minute layover in Vancouver before my Calgary flight, but the Winnipeg trio only had a 45 minute layover before their flight to Winnipeg. We did spend some enjoyable time in the PG airport having a drink and chatting about the previous week. In hindsight, we should have had something to eat rather than something to drink!! By the time we arrived in Vancouver at Gate B16, we were edging up to my flight (10 minutes to spare) and were a good 25 minutes late for the Winnipeg flight... My flight was at Gate A4, the Winnipeg one at Gate A5, so we hoofed it! Alas, we were too late for their flight!! And my flight was delayed another 30 minutes, so I was actually OK!! Westjet gave each of the trio a hotel room, dinner and breakfast vouchers and space on the 9:15 am flight the next morning... My adventure however was not over... We boarded at 7:30 pm and then had to wait a bit beyond our departure time for extra luggage and people. We then had to... yes... de-ice!!! In Vancouver of all places!!! So, by the time we left Vancouver it was more like 9 pm... ah well... I arrived in Calgary around 11 pm, got my luggage, caught the Park & Jet shuttle... and then had the fun of digging out my truck from the snow dumps of the previous week. I was concerned about the battery and the cold temperatures, but little truck started with no problems... So... made it home at 11:50 pm... Tired and pooped!!! But glad to be home and in my bed!!

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