Wednesday, January 26, 2011


My routine was thrown out the window yesterday, and I felt out of sorts for the rest of the day! I like to go off to Starbucks in the morning and get my blogging done... have my hot chocolate... and just be... But that didn't happen yesterday!! Other great things did happen... like decluttering some stuff, re-organizing a room and creating space... But I didn't get my writing in... and it showed!

My writing is a spiritual exercise for me. It's a way for me to connect with the world... connect with spirit and bring the two together. I love just being able to sit here and watch my fingers type and see what comes out of them. I have been meaning to also get a set of portable headphones, so that I can plug in and listen to music off of the laptop as well... So far, that hasn't happened! But... it will...

It's a time for me to ground myself, to get connected with my day... to write just for the joy of writing. Later in the day, I'll be writing other things, also for the joy of writing... but usually with a purpose behind it... like creating articles for a newsletter, or writing some pages for a book... This blog writing is just for the beauty of writing. I don't plan to do anything with the Musings blog... other than just enjoy it!

Which makes me wonder... what are some of the other things in my life that I do just for the joy of it? What would it be like if I did everything in my life for the sheer joy of it?? What if all things in my life brought me joy... whether it is washing the dishings, cleaning the house, doing office work, cleaning the litter box... doing laundry... going grocery shopping... Any and all of those things I could do just for the sheer joy of it... The difference is the way in which I hold those things... as a burden or as a joy... as an opportunity for connection or as a chore... My choice...

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