Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Giving & Receiving

We all know that it is better to give than to receive... At least we've been told that... And there's a poster on the window here at Starbucks that says "When I give gifts, I always get more in return". And we may even have heard that... The more that we give, the more comes back to us. The more love we give, the more love we will receive. The more of our time we give, the more time we will receive. Hmmm...

Now that one I'm not too sure about!!! The more that I give of my time... the more time I will receive?? There's only so much time in a day though. With love, I can see it... because love is infinitely deep and expandable. The more love I give, the more love I can receive. But with time... time is finite. There's only so many minutes in a day. And if I give of my time... then how can more time come back to me?? With people helping me with some of my projects?? Perhaps... Or maybe my perception of time will alter??

That makes a bit more sense. If I believe that I have all the time in the world... that I am blessed with an abundance of time... then if I give of that time... I will experience time in even more abundance. Not to say that more time will magically show up in my day... but I will experience time in a different way. I will experience it in a way that seemingly creates more time for me...  Perhaps...

1 comment:

Dolores said...

lwrrrwmnPerhaps when we give with love, respect and fulfillment we find ourselves more able to relax and our perception expands in such a way that we can use the time we have more efficiently with less expense of energy.