Sunday, November 7, 2010

Projects... projects... projects...

I'm one of those poeples who like to have multiple projects on the go at any one time. And that's outside of work projects! I have family history projects on the go (multiple ones), photography projects, reading projects, etc... The thing I struggle with is this... I might get a bit bored with one project or am not clear on a way forward, so I will start another project... and another project... Until I have dozens of projects on the go... All started, by none completed... And that is a lot of weight to carry around from one year to another!!

I am slowly beginning to realize that I need to complete some projects to create some space for others! It's like being in a space, that is so tightly crammed with stuff, that you can't see things, and can't work on anything. First, handle one thing, create some space and then I'll have space to complete something else... and then something else... and then something else... And maybe then I can bring something new into the space!! I suppose it's a variation of greed... or something... gluttony maybe... Always adding something new when I haven't even completed the old yet... Always looking for the thrill of excitement in the new thing... when I would get an even bigger thrill if I would just complete some of the old projects!!! What a thought...

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