Sunday, November 21, 2010


I've been mulling over the whole thing of procrastination and... well... I think a lot of it comes down to fear. Yup, that nasty little critter again... When I look through the procrastination, to the pushing things ahead, to avoiding phone calls, to postponing whatever it is... at the root of it all is fear. Fear that I'll sound stupid. Fear that I won't get it done right. Fear that I don't have enough information. Fear that I'll fail. Fear that...

Yeah, well... you get the picture. Funny, how it keeps showing up... The more I look for it, the more I see fear at the root of a lot of things that keep me stuck. And procrastination is a big one!! It's huge... I mean, I have a lot of things to do, you know... and I can't get them all done in one day, so it's natural to postpone things to another day... to push things forward... Yeah, right!!! There is some truth in that, but for me, it's always to look at what it is that is moving me to push things forward. Is it fear? Is it just plain common sense? If it's fear... I need to tackle that head-on. Even if I can't get everything done in the one day, I can make a start. I can work on something for 15 minutes... move it forward just that tiny bit... and then a tiny bit again. Once something is moving, it's a lot easier to keep it moving... doesn't take as much effort...

What lies at the root of your procrastination?? Or maybe you don't procrastinate??

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