Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Fungi-what???? Exactly what I though!! I'm reading this book and they used this word... fungible... And I had to look it up. Did it have something to do with fungi??? Mushrooms??? No, not at all... the word is used mostly in business and finance and means interchangeable. As in, things that are of equal value, are fungible. Go figure... I don't think I'll be using that word any time soon... but it definitely expanded my vocabulary a little bit! If I did try to use that word, unless I was speaking with my financial planner, I think all I would get would be blank looks!

Fungible... Those two things are fungible... Eh, it doesn't even really sound nice... nor roll off the tongue all that well... But it also makes me realize that there are a lot of words out there that I have no clue about! Specialized words from various professions that I never encounter... and never really need to use... Which makes me realize that there are a lot of things out there in this great world of ours, that I have no clue about. But the interesting thing too is this... I'm pretty sure I've never come across "fungible" before... But what do you want to bet that in the next little while, I'll come across that word at least 2 or 3 more times...

Have you ever noticed that's the way the world works sometimes. You will encounter something new, something you've never seen or heard before (you're pretty sure)... and then in the next little while, it will show up multiple times... Interesting don't you think....

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