Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Plan

I'm facing a new phase in my life... leaping out and taking on writing in a whole new way. And I need a plan!! Need something that is going to give me a focus and a direction... a plan of how to make it happen and how I can enter into this process wholeheartedly, but not higgle-dee-piggle-dee... At the same time, I need to hold a certain space for the unknown and the unexpected! Which seems a little paradoxical to me, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. I suppose there's lots of room out in the universe for whatever needs to show up... and it's all about how I hold/experience whatever shows up. I can hold it as a trial or as a block or as an obstacle to be overcome... Or I can hold it as something that is an opportunity for me to embrace what is unknown and create something new. It would be pretty horrible to be stuck as the same me day after day and year after year... I guess I am in development with being in development!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Good for you! With an open mind you never know what possibilities will be presented to you. As for a plan...just keep on writing whatever is in you to write...that in itself is a plan. And who knows? You may just see in what you write an avenue open up with street signs that say, "Go this way"!