Friday, November 13, 2009

Why a Blog?

I'm almost 2 weeks into this blogging thing and I realized I hadn't shared my intention in doing this! There is of course the hope that somebody out there might read it and comment on it! So, in some sense, it is for others. But in a larger sense it is for me. There is something compelling in knowing that I have committed to write something everyday. And even though somebody might not read it... somebody might!!! It is like walking... if I know that I have a walk partner out there... I am more likely to get up and go for a walk. So, for me, this blogging thing keeps me writing. I am a writer and I need to write. I find it helps me clear my head and create some space for my thoughts to fly and soar. So, I write. It's like I have a date with my blog. Some evenings, it is 8:30 pm and I realize I haven't blogged anything that day. There is the temptation to just let it go, and a more powerful incentive to get down and write something!!!

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