Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Staying in the Moment

Today I've been practising just staying in the moment! I haven't been focussed on the clock, and have just done whatever it was that needed to be done... starting with redoing my to-do list! Amongst other things, I got to clean the kitchen, repot several plants (making a mess in the clean kitchen!), watch a bit of Holmes on Homes, enter some family tree data and still have time to eat lunch... all in less than 4 hours. Somehow, it seems that the more panicky I am about how little time there is... the less time there is! If, however, I remain unconcerned about time... I can get a tonne of stuff done. I remember looking at the clock at 9:30 and thinking "I've only got 2.5 hours and I have to leave for a meeting"... I got quite a bit done in those 2.5 hours!! But, my language itself reveals how I hold time... "only 2.5 hours"... only... As if 2.5 hours is not an ample amount of time for many things! I wonder what it would look like if I were to say "I have a whole 2.5 hours"!!! There is a part of me that resents having anything "fixed" in my day, like an appointment or a meeting, or a scheduled conference call. It acts as an immovable brick in my day, around which I have to arrange everything else... Or, perhaps... to just see it as a marker in my day, and to not let it stop me from doing what I enjoy doing in the time that I have!

So... for me... staying in the moment... in this moment and enjoying all that appears is helpful today. Rather than looking ahead to what is coming (be it hours or days).... I just enjoy the day or the hour for whatever it brings. I flow with time perhaps, rather than against time!

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