Thursday, April 20, 2017

If Women Ruled the World - Sheila Ellison (ed.) - Part 3

If Women Ruled the World - Sheila Ellison (ed.)
If Women Ruled the World - Sheila Ellison (ed.)
2017 Reading Challenge - Day 110
  April 20, 2017 

Book 32 - If Women Ruled the World -
How to Create the World We Want to Live In

Sheila Ellison (ed.) (2004)
 Part 3 - pages 93-130
Reading Time - 45 minutes

This stories now expand into Community. One of the ideas, which actually comes up in different ways is that women have the power to influence peaceful relations. Someone women are seen as being more invested in creating peace and working together. Perhaps because so many victims of war are children which women have birthed.

There are the ideas that we would tolerate and accept all people... that we would extend care and compassion to all members of our community. That bullying in all its forms would be unacceptable. I like the idea that there would be community programs to support the family... funded programs. Another great idea is... we would clean ourselves and our house first... which sounds kind of weird until you dig a bit deeper. The idea that we would source our food locally, eat healthy, recycle, create a garden, plant trees, etc. It might seem overwhelming to create change out in the world... but we can start with our own little corner of the world. As they say... peace starts with me. Whether it's peace between humans or between us and the earth.

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