Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Sacred Six - J.B. Glossinger - Part 4

The Sacred Six - J.B. Glossinger
The Sacred Six - J.B. Glossinger
2017 Reading Challenge - Day 50
 February 19, 2017 

Book 15 - The Sacred Six: The Simple
Step-by-Step Process for Focusing Your Attention
and Recovering your Dreams

by J.B. Glossinger (2016)
 Part 4 - Pages 131-200
Reading Time - 40 minutes

"Don't let anyone steal your dreams." That's a pretty good vision to keep in mind. The other thing that struck me is that we need to let go of some things in order to create space for our dreams to show up. That can be a challenge... but I know from experience, that it is very true.

This section dealt more with methods of supporting the Sacred Six. The author recommended the following tools:
  • to-do list
  • notes
  • calendar
  • journal
  • contact list
It's a good list... but, as the author himself admits, some people might be turned off by the seeming complexity of this method. Identify your Mission, then your Values and Goals. Prioritize your Golas and then from the top 5 or 10, identify Projects. Choose the top 6 of those and identify Sacred Tasks that you can complete. And review things every few months or weeks or days... depending. Tasks should be reviewed daily, Projects can be reviewed monthly and goals can be reviewed every few months.

I see the value in this...It really is about narrowing our focus down to a few Goals and moving ahead in those areas. Stirring 5 or 10 pots instead of 100s. Rather than moving forward incrementally in many different areas, and not really getting a sense of accomplishment, we can move forward more rapidly in a few areas and build up our confidence and satisfaction. It makes sense... and I can see how this would be useful in an organization as well.

I would recommend this book, although I think it requires a second reading and a bit more time withe the exercises.

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