Monday, January 26, 2015

Releasing Balloons into the Air - The Vatican's new Symbol of Peace

Vatican dove being attacked by crow and seagull.
(From Today Online)
The Vatican used to release doves in St. Peter's Square as a symbol of peace. Until the doves were attacked by seagulls and crows. Not a very convincing symbol of peace. Plus the animal rights groups raised concerns.

But worry you not... the Vatican has come up with a solution. This year, a group of children released balloons into the air as a symbol of peace. Very colourful. Very bright. Are released balloons really a symbol of peace? That is debatable.

Vatican releases hundreds (thousands?) of balloons.
(From The Guardian)
All you have to do is type "balloons" and "environment" into a web search and, voila... you will find plenty of evidence to support what you probably already suspected. Balloons are not good for the environment.

On the first hand, all of those colourful balloons eventually come to earth as garbage, pollution, litter. They don't just evaporate in the atmosphere or rise indefinitely to heaven. Some are supposed to burst into tiny pieces at a certain altitude, but what about the ribbons?

Razorbill bird killed by balloon ribbons
(From Balloons Blow)
Which brings us to the second point. Released balloons kill animals such as turtles, birds, seals, Bighorn Sheep. Some animals eat the ribbons, including the balloon fragment at the end of the ribbon. The balloon fragments block their digestive system and the animals starve to death. Other animals get tangled in the ribbons - around their necks or their legs.

Me thinks the Vatican missed the boat yet again on this "symbol of peace". In reality, it would seem that it is actually an act of harm - against the environment and our animal neighbours. Check out Balloons Blow or One Green Earth for more information on the insidious effects of released balloons.

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