Friday, November 18, 2011

In the Backpack - Creation

I've known for a very long time, that I recharge my spiritual batteries out in creation. I need to get out into nature, the same way that I need to eat and breathe and drink lots of water. Being in nature reconnects me to myself and to the divine. More me not to go out into nature usually ends up with me getting very cranky... very upset... very impatient... very out of sorts.

I know this... and yet... I often let it slide. The same way that I can let my prayer life slide... or drinking enough water... or eating right... or exercising. Somehow, getting out into nature pales in comparison with all the other things in my life which always seem "more important". Truth be told... I do know that me getting out into nature is critically important for my well being.

I think that's why the idea of the Sabbath... or Sunday Rest... or going to Church on Sunday... is such a good thing. We need to take time each week to reconnect with ourselves and the divine... in one form or another. The Church tells people that they need to come to Church on Sunday - the Sunday obligation... and really, it is for our own good. Except... does it have to be going to Church on Sunday, or could it be something else?

I haven't been to Church for almost 3 years and the most shocking thing is this... I don't miss it. I feel no compulsion to go back. Friends who have done the same thing, express the same sentiment, which is surprising to all of us. We all thougth that we would miss it... and we don't. Mind you, we have all found other ways of connecting with the divine.

For myself, I've gotten into the habit this past summer of going into a large urban park on a bit of a hill, with lots of walking trails. It is prairie landscape and wide open to the sky and to the world. On top of the hill, I have no sense that you are in the city... and a very deep sense of peace. For the First Nations people, this hill was a sacred spot... and I felt the sacredness long before I knew about it's history for First Nations people. For me... this is my place to reconnect with the divine... to recharge my spiritual batteries... it is my place of worship.

Now... the one good thing with Church is this... it is still warm at -20 C!! I'm not sure how it will work this winter for me... but I am going to explore the idea of getting myself seriously bundled up and going off to my sacred hill at -20 C... we'll see how it goes!

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